Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ahh, swim diapers, those diapers we only think about for part of the year, yet they are necessary. Necessary to contain the little accidents we don't want floating around in the pool.

All swim diapers are designed to contain poop, but not pee. If it was absorbent it would just soak up water and weigh the child down. Since the goal of the swim diaper is to contain poop, I began to wonder if the disposable swim diaper contained it better than the cloth swim diaper. I was leary because all my experiences with disposable diapers usually ended in me or my son being covered in poop. Any time my son has ever had a blow out it has been in a disposable diaper. I learned my lesson quickly and now when a disposable diaper is necessary we use the Flip with a disposable insert.

With this thought in mind, I decided to conduct my own little experiment to check them out. I began by placing uncooked oatmeal in each diaper while my son was wearing it in a tub of water for 5 minutes to see what would happen. I created a slide show of what I experienced. Run your arrow across the bottom to see the captions.

The experiment started by adding 2/3 cup of oatmeal to an ImseVimse swim diaper. My son sat in a container of water for five minutes. Pictures were taken of the water after the five minutes. The ImseVimse cloth swim diaper contained the oatmeal. The same amount of oatmeal was then added to the Huggies Swim Diaper. He sat again for five minutes (while eating a lollipop) in a container of water. After five minutes, the soggy oatmeal started escaping around the waist of the diaper. The water was foggy. The conclusion seems obvious. Which swim diaper would you want on a child in a public pool?

A word about cloth swim diapers ~ Cloth swim diapers come in a few varieties. I personally prefer the ones with snaps versus velcro. The velcro can scratch the adult's swimsuit while holding the child if it is not covered up with another swimsuit. When I have used a bumGenius or FuzziBunz one size diaper for a swim diaper it has worked fine. I'm not sure how well it works in comparision to the cloth swim diapers, but it must be better than the disposable variety. It does tend to hold more water than the slim fitting ImseVimse swim diaper.

Another great aspect to the swim diaper, is the savings. The Huggies Little Swimmers Swim Pants I bought was on sale for $6.99 for 10. That's almost $0.70 each! I can't imagine buying these for daily swim lessons. Most cloth swim diapers I have seen or bought have been under $15.00 each. They last all summer and then can be saved and used with another child.

Here's the good news ~ You can buy one on sale through July 20, 2010 at Wee Willie Winks.

Carissa ~ ~ Let us help you discover what works for your family!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Up and Running on Blogger

Wee Willie Winks has gone through a lot of changes in the past few months. One of the things about owning a business is I always have a list of things to do and change. On this list has been to create a different blog. I started with the Ning Network, but didn't really care for the layout and lack of flexibility it offered. I had a personal blog for my son on Blogger, where I write about the adventurus things we get into as a family. By moving the Wee Willie Winks blog to Blogger I'm sure I'll post more. I have lots of ideas, videos, and pictures about cloth diapers to share and am looking forward to your reactions. Thanks for following us on this new adventure!